Your little one will spend a significant amount of their day running about in their school shoes, so it’s worth applying some good podiatry practice when choosing the best pair for them.
It’s never too soon to think about good podiatry health, so we’ve put together the following expert tips to help you ensure your children get the right fit this school year.
1. Get fitted professionally
Children grow and develop at different rates, including their feet and shoe size! We recommend getting professionally fitted at the start of every school year as a minimum. Many stores that sell children’s shoes carry a Brannock device that will help you get the best fit for both the length and width of their feet.
2. Measure at the end of the day
Feet swell throughout the day, so if you want to get a really comprehensive fit that your child will be comfortable in all day, take them to get measured after a day of moving and running about.
3. Opt for leather shoes
Leather is an excellent choice for children’s school shoes as it’s sturdy but becomes mouldable through wear, offering a comfortably matched shape for your children’s feet. It’s also durable and breathable.
4. They should be comfortable straight away
It’s a myth that new shoes need to be ‘broken in’ - this will only create discomfort and potential foot issues down the line. Shoes should feel comfortable as soon as your child wears them, with the added benefit of becoming moulded as they wear them in.
5. Don’t forget the orthotics
If your child needs orthotics, make sure you have this with you when they are trying on shoes. Actively use them to help decide the right shoes for your child before you buy them and take them home.
The Australian Podiatry Association has advice for fitting school shoes, but if you’re ever worried about your child’s foot health, we can help.
Alongside chiropractic services, we also offer Perth podiatry services in our Melville practice. Get in touch today and see how we can help: (08) 9314 2777