Soft Tissue (Muscle) Therapy Perth
Melville Wellness Centre's Soft Tissue Therapist, Renee Coles, uses a multi pronged approach in her sessions. This includes Myofascial Release Technique to lengthen and
correct tissue, followed by either dry needling or therapeutic ultra sound for optimal healing.
Each treatment is individually tailored to cater to the specific requirements of the client.
What is Soft Tissue (Muscle) Therapy?
Soft Tissue Therapy has nothing to do with the level of pressure used, despite the word soft. It simply refers to the tissue group of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Taking care of soft
tissue problems before they lead into greater issues just makes sense, and soft tissue therapy treats many concerns where they often begin; in the soft tissues.
Soft Tissue Therapy can be an effective treatment for lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder
pain, bursitis, slow healing issues, hip pain, frozen shoulder, and tennis/golfers elbow. It can be utilised as
ongoing therapy for the management of headaches/migraines, scoliosis, sciatica and other
Myofascial Release Technique includes sustained pressure and stretching to address tight
fascia and trigger points.
Dry Needling includes the use of acupuncture needles to restore more collagen and elasticity
to muscles.
Therapeutic Ultra Sound is effective in healing tissue.
What are the benefits of Soft Tissue Therapy?
Soft Tissue Therapy effectively complements other treatments such as Chiropractic as it
creates a more relaxed, corrected muscle tissue which allows treatments to progress
optimally. We have found that a multi faceted approach to treating most health concerns is best. With
Soft Tissue Therapy, you can find relief, greater mobility, faster healing and a healthier life.
Renee is now taking bookings and health fund rebates are available (if eligible). To make an appointment for Soft Tissue Therapy or any other services, call 08 9314 2777, book online, or speak with our reception staff on your next visit.