
Preventive therapy: the chiropractic precautionary checks to protect your body

The common misconception surrounding chiropractic care is centred around timing - as in, the only time you should see your chiropractor is when something happens to you. Whether it be when you're desperately seeking back pain, headache or migraine treatment, most people assume that once this initial treatment is over, the chiropractor can no longer help you. However, preventive care, routine checks, and assessments are definitely treatments types a chiropractor can help you with.

In this article, we discuss the wide range of assessments chiropractors can deliver on an ongoing basis, the types of preventative care a chiropractor is best to assist you with, and why utilising this style of treatment is beneficial for you in the long run.

Revisiting your old injuries

As most of us are aware, when we break bones, strain muscles or suffer from repeat joint injuries, we are more likely to injure ourselves in the same spots than any other place in our body. Our weakened joints and muscles are incredibly susceptible to repeat injury, especially if we don’t maintain treatment past the initial injury, which can lead to greater, more severe issues in the future. Your chiropractor can help treat the parts of the body that are vulnerable, simply by offering you long term, consistent rehabilitation.

Postural analysis

Our everyday activities and our level of exercise are key factors in the growth, development, and form of our posture. A postural analysis is essential to check the balance and imbalance of the body, ensuring the position of the spine, hips, knees, and shoulders are aligned. Ignoring your posture can cause a vast amount of issues for you down the track, which can include back pain, joint degeneration, spinal dysfunctions and loss of motion, which can ultimately lead to impaired function of the nervous system. Preventive care can also address the likelihood of suffering from acute pain from poor posture, including hip pain, neck pain, and headaches.

Genetic concerns

Many people turn to Chiropractors to assess and provide preventative care for conditions that run in the family, where genetic predisposition is considered high. While it may not necessarily be something diagnosed in the family, it is common for chiropractors to treat people whose family members have ‘bad knees’ or weak joints, with the intention of being cautiously proactive in the event they suffer the same types of ailments.

Preparation for events and goals

While your preventative concerns might not be to a specific condition, like acute hip pain, for example, a chiropractor can be an essential physician to help you achieve your health and fitness ambitions. Marathon runners, hikers, elite athletes, and everyday fitness fanatics turn to Chiropractic care for preventive treatment, to ensure their body is in peak condition to take on strenuous activity, aiding in the completion of a specific fitness or health-related goal.

You don’t need an injury or specific concern to be able to see a Chiropractor or to receive treatment that will benefit you in the long run. Contact us at Melville Wellness Centre to start your preventive treatments today!

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Email: admin@melvillewellness.com.au
Address: 75 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6156

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