For some reason, the majority of people always associate back pain with the elderly. But this is far from the case – back pain can affect anyone, no matter their age. If you’re experiencing some kind of back pain – be it in your lower back or your upper back – you should seek the help and support of a chiropractor. Here are three ways in which a chiropractor can help you relieve back pain.
Lower back pain
Patients who are pregnant, obese or frequently wear high-heeled shoes are at an increased risk of weakening their hip muscles. As a result, they may experience pain in their lower back. Lower back pain is usually caused by bulging discs, so a chiropractor will work with you to rectify this and correct any misalignment of your spine. In addition to this, they’ll talk to you about, and raise awareness of, your posture, so that you can limit the chances of pain returning in the long run.
Upper back pain
If you’re someone who is constantly slouching – be it to work on your laptop or to use your phone - you could develop a hunchback. After a while, you may begin to experience some upper back pain. Regardless of how often or how severe you experience the pain, it’s very important to seek the support of a chiropractor to prevent further damage. They’ll help by partially or wholly manipulating your vertebrae into alignment. They might even decide to prescribe some daily exercises or stretches for you to carry out at home so that your back muscles can gain back the strength lost from the misalignment.
Back braces
A chiropractor may suggest a back brace to help with your recovery, which helps to improve your posture and reduce the stress that you may be putting on your ligaments. Back braces are great because they’re incredibly lightweight and very easy to use. They can also address and correct any habitual movements for long-term recovery.
To discuss more ways in which a chiropractor could help you relieve your back pain, feel free to get in touch with our friendly and expert team at Melville Wellness Centre.