
3 interesting signs you should see a chiropractor

3 interesting signs you should see a chiropractor

Chiropractors offer a number of potential health benefits, geared towards improving physical and emotional wellbeing, but many people don’t realise when they should visit one.

Here at Melville Wellness Centre, we’ve put together a list of some more unexpected signs that you should see a chiropractor.

1. The soles of your shoes wear out differently

You can notice this on the inside and outside of your shoes and should check regularly (at least once a month). This is a clear sign that your body is out of alignment and you might have posture issues, both of which can have severe impacts on your mobility long-term.

This sign is indicative of a subluxation in the spine. If you experience this, get in touch with us for spinal manipulation and realignment.

2. Your job involves a lot of sitting down

Especially following the widespread turn towards remote working, sitting down jobs (including offices and working from home) can cause lasting impacts on your posture. From hunching over a keyboard to sitting in a non-ergonomic chair, sitting jobs can cause pressure on your upper back, neck, and shoulders.

This pressure can increase the risk of a herniated or slipped disc. Get in touch with us for an alignment and advice about avoiding this problem.

3. You experienced a recent accident or bodily trauma

Whether you experienced a car collision, fell down the stairs, tripped, slipped, or had another accident, you should definitely consider seeing a chiropractor afterwards. These incidents can cause specific problems a chiropractor could help with.

Here at Melville Wellness Centre, we are able to diagnose and treat multiple problems which might arise from bodily trauma incurred during an accident such as these. If you’ve experienced an accident or trauma to the body, get in touch today.

Melville Wellness Centre is committed to providing top-quality chiropractic care in Perth, offering podiatry and massage services. For more information about signs that you should see a chiropractor or to book an appointment today, get in touch with Melville Wellness Centre.

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Phone: (08) 9314 2777
Email: admin@melvillewellness.com.au
Address: 75 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6156

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Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, and Podiatrists in Willagee | Melville Wellness Centre
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