If you have ever suffered from a migraine, then you know that one can interrupt your life. But there are also some myths about migraines that you should know - so that you can better ease them when they do happen!
A migraine “isn’t that bad”
A migraine isn’t simply a headache, and it can be extremely debilitating for some sufferers. A migraine causes intense pain, physical sickness, light sensitivity, and numbness in your face and body in some cases. Not everyone experiences a migraine in the same way, and while some may last an hour or less, some can last for days and be extremely disabling.
All migraines have an aura
You may have heard that migraines begin with an aura, blurry eyesight, or seeing flashes. Sometimes, seeing fragmented light can happen, and you may even lose your vision temporarily. However, it is worth noting that not all migraines cause vision issues - and you may still be having migraines if your vision remains unaffected.
Coffee is bad for migraines
Sometimes you may find that your diet can have a direct impact on your migraines, and keeping a food journal can help you pinpoint these. Caffeine is often considered a trigger for migraines, but cutting it out might not be right for you. Cutting down can help overall health, and increasing the amount of water you drink, but caffeine can actually be found in some pain relieving medications, and a little might help your migraines.
Migraines can’t be helped
While not all migraines can be prevented, there are some steps you can take to ease symptoms. Noting what seems to cause your migraines is helpful, such as anxiety, certain foods, or pain in your back or neck. Spinal issues can trigger migraines in many people, and seeing a chiropractor for an alignment might be helpful in reducing the frequency of your migraines. There is no need to live with migraines without reaching out for help!
Migraines can be debilitating and discovering some of the real root causes can be beneficial in reducing the amount of migraines you get. At Melville Wellness, we provide migraine treatment and headache treatment from expert chiropractors. Get in touch to find out more.