No doubt, at one time in your life you've experienced a bad headache. Headaches can irritate you and make it difficult to go about your day, especially when they strike as soon as you wake up. If you find yourself often experiencing morning headaches, a chiropractor can help you get to the source of the problem and establish a treatment plan. Interested in waking up well-rested and refreshed - and headache-free? Read on to learn more.
Chiropractic care for headache relief
Chiropractic techniques focus on spinal manipulation, which is used to treat headaches and a range of body pains. If you have spinal dysfunction, your health might be compromised. Identifying the cause of your morning headaches will boost your mood and give you a great start to the day. It might be easy to take a pill for temporary relief, but you'll likely wake up the following morning with pain again.
When you see a chiropractor, they'll ask you about your sleeping routine and position, the quality of your sleep, and how frequently and when you get headaches. They'll consider a range of possible causes for your headaches, such as:
• Dehydration: If you don't drink enough water during the day, you could find yourself dehydrated the following day.
• Sleep deprivation: If you get fewer than 7-8 hours of sleep each night, you might develop morning headaches. Difficulty falling asleep can increase your stress, resulting in raised blood pressure. Sleep's vital for proper functioning during the day, so it's important you set up a healthy bedtime routine for the best night's sleep.
• Alcohol: The odd drink won't hurt, but a night of drinking can lead to disrupted sleep and a morning headache. Alcohol can dehydrate you, so it's important you keep water on hand and even try electrolytes when you wake up the following day.
• Snoring: If you snore often, you might have sleep apnoea or a temporary disruption in your breathing as you sleep. If you find yourself choking, gasping, or not breathing for a few seconds during the night, your brain oxygen will reduce. This expands your blood vessels, leading to pain and headaches. Sleep apnea can compromise the quality of your sleep and cause more serious health issues, so it's important you speak to your doctor if you believe this is your issue.
Need headache treatment? Come to Melville Wellness Centre
Don't wake up with headaches one more morning - contact Melville Wellness Centre. Our team of friendly chiropractors offer reliable, effective techniques to help relieve your pain and improve your well-being. We'll work with you to develop a quality treatment program tailored to your needs and goals. Call us today on 9314 2777 for more information or to book.