Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerves – located in your lower back to your feet – are left feeling either irritated or compressed. It is a condition that can last anywhere between 4-6 weeks but can, in some cases, last beyond this. At Melville Wellness, we know that this is not ideal in daily life, and so we have put together this simple guide on some home remedies that should help you to give your sciatica the boot.
Gentle exercise
Gentle exercise can often be a pleasant and relaxing method of coaxing out sciatica plaguing your muscles. It is recommended to engage in an activity or two every single day, as this can act as a strengthening agent for all muscle areas. Especially if compressed muscles are causing your bout of sciatica, taking a brisk walk, dancing, or even playing a game of doubles tennis can act as a natural massager.
Even something as mundane as good posture can be a crucial factor for helping you give sciatica the boot once and for all. Needless to say, but by sitting up straight, you can help stretch out the compression present in your sciatic nerves, easing the pain. It is simple to attain, whether you simply swap out your old office chair for a brand new one or take on a few simple – but regular – exercises such as the plank and standing thigh stretches.
Cutting out smoking
By cutting out smoking, you can decrease your general risk of sciatica developing in your muscles overall. As well as doing you a world of good health-wise in other regards, by cutting out smoking you are reducing the chance for added lumbar radicular stress, which ultimately leads to pain.
Lift safely
By using a steady technique when lifting heavy objects - such as keeping the load close to your waist - you are reducing the chance of added pain to your back and leg muscles in particular, which can lead to sciatica.
For more information on sciatica and how to aid its recovery at home, contact our friendly and professional team at Melville Wellness today.