
How a chiropractor can help you overcome these common types of headaches

The ability to think clearly and calmly allows us to make rational decisions, carry on with our daily activities, and even process emotions. However, this ability can easily be affected by an intense headache. Most Aussies will suffer at least one type of headache in their lifetime. But the reason behind the headache can differ from one individual to another. Here are common types of headaches and how a Perth chiropractor can help you.

Different types of headache

Tension headaches – they are mostly presented as band-like tension around the head. They often occur due to tension in the muscles around the face and neck, which produces pain. Other associated factors include stress, eyestrain, poor posture, anxiety, and injuries.

Migraine headaches – they commonly result in pain on one side of the head and are often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to sound and light. The real cause of migraines is yet to be established, but there seems to be a relationship between the external environment and genetics. Some triggers could also include hormonal changes, stress, food and additives, sleep, changes in the environment, certain medication, and sensory factors. Migraine treatment involves understanding the triggers and addressing them.

Cluster headaches – these headaches can be caused by problems in regulating body temperature, hormones, blood pressure or sleep. Other suggested triggers include tobacco, drugs (e.g. nitroglycerin) and alcohol.

Cervicogenic headaches – this is a type of headache that stems from the neck or cervical spine structures. Neck movement can worsen its intensity.

How a Melville chiropractor can help with headaches

A chiropractor can assess, diagnose and even help you manage headaches. Recent studies show that chiropractic care, including manual therapy, can help you treat tension and cervicogenic headaches. It can also help you reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.

Depending on the findings following a patient examination, your chiropractor will recommend individualised manual therapy, soft tissue therapy modalities such as acupuncture or lifestyle recommendations including rehabilitation.

Consider consulting a Perth chiropractor if your headaches are getting worse, you frequently take pain relievers for your headache, or your headache patterns change. Book a consultation with a chiropractor from Melville Wellness Centre and access prompt attention for your headaches.

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Phone: (08) 9314 2777
Email: admin@melvillewellness.com.au
Address: 75 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6156

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