A common question that our podiatrists are often asked is how to treat calluses at home. We thought this required a more in-depth answer, so we created this blog post on the topic.
Change your shoes
The first step to treating your calluses at home is to change your shoes. Try and opt for properly fitting shoes as any extra room in a shoe can cause your toes to rub against the side. Extra room can also cause points of friction between the underside of your foot, your sock and the inner sole of the shoe. However, a less expensive alternative to this tip is to close off the extra room either with some padding or a gel insole.
Keep your feet soft
A callus is composed of several layers of dry skin. This means that one way in which to treat them from home is to keep them soft. There are various ways in which to do this. For example, you can buy a foot cream and use this regularly. We recommend doing so right before bed, covering the feet with a pair of socks to ensure that the cream doesn’t rub off in bed before it sinks in.
Use a pumice stone
Another way in which to treat calluses at home is to use a pumice stone or a foot file. They’re easy to use, simply bring them to the callus and rub the stone/file over its surface. Electrical pumice stones may be easier to use, as the stone rotates for you, and more effective as, unlike your arm, they don’t get tired.
This is one of the best types of preparation for a podiatry appointment as it can help prepare the area for our attention. Podiatry callus procedures often involve our professionals removing the dead skin with a special blade. By using a pumice stone/foot file, you’re starting to remove the looser bits of skin.
For more tips on how to treat calluses in between your podiatry appointments, contact our team at Melville Wellness.