
How Your Podiatrist Helps You Find The Perfect Footwear

Most people don’t know that their podiatrist is one of the best resources to call upon for footwear advice. While they are known best for treating feet diseases and skin conditions, a podiatrist is experienced and highly specialised in the impact of footwear on the feet and gait, and know all about bad footwear’s significant ability to cause poor foot health.

In this article, we take you through how one of our Perth Podiatrists can help you find your next pair of shoes, how they analyse your body for the best style of shoe, and the things you will likely discover about the right footwear for you.

Gait Analysis

Before the podiatrist even begins discussing your footwear, they will want to know how your feet move. Specifically, your podiatrist will perform a gait analysis, which is an in-depth review of the way your feet, ankles and body moves whilst you walk. From this gait pattern, your podiatrist will specifically be able to evaluate how your gait needs to be corrected, and the right type of footwear to support this.

Analysis of your current footwear

Quite often a podiatrist will want to see what you currently have in your shoe collection, especially for sporting activities like running and high impact sports. The specific spots of wear and tear on your shoes also provide a clear indication of how your feet move, and where you are uneven in your gait. This analysis will also demonstrate the style and brands of footwear you have gravitated to in the past, and how much wear you get out of them.

Brand Recommendations

Depending on your footwear goals, your podiatrist will make recommendations on the brands and shoe models that will work best for you. Especially for exercise and running, your podiatrist will be able to advise brands that specialise in specific styles, like wide fits for example, and who offer better support for your type of gait. If you are looking at a particular pair of shoes, show your podiatrist and ask them what they think of the brand and style, using their feedback to help make your decision.

What To Look for Recommendations

While there may not be a specific brand your podiatrist recommends to you, there will be suggestions for the right style and make of shoe that you need. From the shape of the shoe, the construction style, the material of the shoes and the best sizing for you, the podiatrist can provide you with shoe shopping tips that are specific to your needs.

Don’t suffer through foot pain from the wrong type of shoes; boon an appointment with one of our experienced Perth Podiatrists, and find out exactly what your feet need!

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Email: admin@melvillewellness.com.au
Address: 75 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6156

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