
Customised Functional Foot Orthotics for Athletes and Sports Persons

The foot, ankle and lower limb work together with the rest of the body in an extremely complex manner and adapt to different sports accordingly. Sports orthotics are customised and made bespoke for an individual, they can help reduce pain, fatigue and improve biomechanics and therefore reduce the risk injury and maximise performance. To learn just how complex most people will be able to try this test- with shorts on standing with bare feet, stand with your feet parallel to one another about 12” apart. Roll both your feet onto their outside edges of the foot with your arches up…

Customised Functional Foot Orthotics for Athletes and Sports Persons

The foot, ankle and lower limb work together with the rest of the body in an extremely complex manner and adapt to different sports accordingly. Sports orthotics are customised and made bespoke for an individual, they can help reduce pain, fatigue and improve biomechanics and therefore reduce the risk injury and maximise performance. To learn just how complex most people will be able to try this test- with shorts on standing with bare feet, stand with your feet parallel to one another about 12” apart. Roll both your feet onto their outside edges of the foot with your arches up…
MWC Heal Pain Info

MWC Heal Pain Info

Have you woken up in the morning, swung your feet over the side of the bed, and felt the stab of pain as you transfer your body weight to your feet for the first time that day? Or maybe you feel stabbing heel pain, numbness or tingling throughout the day when you get up and take the first few steps after you've been sitting for a while? If this sounds familiar, you could be suffering from plantar fasciitis, which is just a fancy technical name we give to pain caused by strain of the plantar fascia tissue in your heel. It's…

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Phone: (08) 9314 2777
Email: admin@melvillewellness.com.au
Address: 75 Archibald Street, Willagee WA 6156

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Chiropractors, Physiotherapists, and Podiatrists in Willagee | Melville Wellness Centre
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