
Health issues that may be causing your headaches and migraines

Headaches are classified as migraines once they last between 4 and 72 hours. Those with migraines can experience, nausea, neck and shoulder stiffness, articulation and concentration issues, diarrhoea, and aura (visual disturbances lasting 20-45 minutes e.g flashing lights, blind spots). Studies show that those with migraines and severe headaches are more susceptible to other health conditions such as panic and chronic pain disorders, stroke, depression, and dietary issues. Stroke Several studies have illustrated links between strokes (as a result of blood clots) and migraines with aura. These sensory and visual symptoms often preface the migraine attack. In comparison to the…

The danger of referred pain

When you feel a pain or ache in your body, chances are that, most of the time, you are going to ignore it. If it goes away on its own, it's likely wasn't that big a deal in the first place. If it persists and becomes debilitating, that's the time when you decide you need to see a chiropractor. However, many people with persistent aches and pains, such as hip pain and neck pain, may instead be feeling the effects of referred pain. What is referred pain? For the most part, when you feel an ache or pain in a…

How to choose the best running shoes

With Covid interfering with our usual fitness regimes, many of us have turned to running in order to stay fit in the face of uncertain gym hours and closures. If you’ve recently started running, or have been running more regularly, you may find yourself wondering if the shoes you have are the right choice for you. Perhaps your body is sending you a few subtle (or not so subtle!) signals that it’s time to invest in a new pair of runners. There are an overwhelming array of running shoes for sale, all marketing themselves as the ultimate choice. The pace,…

5 natural ways to relieve a headache

Headaches can be downright painful, uncomfortable and depending on the severity, put a real dampener on your day. It can be easy to remedy a headache through medication, but there are a number of different ways that you can relieve a headache naturally. If you're pregnant or just want to try some natural remedies for your headaches before taking medication, we have listed some great natural ways to help you feel better and get back to your usual, pain-free self below. 1. Hydrate Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of headaches. Something as simple as drinking water can be…

Are you at risk of spinal injury?

The sad news about spinal injuries is that they occur easily and are therefore very common. Today, an estimated 15,000 people are living with spinal injuries in Australia. These types of injuries are mostly caused by different forms of trauma. Read on to see if you are at risk of spinal injury. Recent trauma People under the age of 65 experience spinal injuries from motor vehicle accidents more than any other age group. If you have recently had a motor vehicle trauma but have not received medical attention from a doctor, contact a doctor and make an appointment immediately. Though…

Taking care of your body while working from home

While working from home can be convenient, it can also be a pain in the neck (and back). As a result of working from home during the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve seen a huge spike in chiropractic injuries, such as neck, shoulder, and back strain. If you don’t have a proper ergonomic office set up or are using a computer on a regular table or countertop, you may notice your posture and muscle strain taking a hit. It's important to keep putting your health first while keeping your daily habits normal and productive. Follow these tips for taking care of yourself,…

Three ways to take care of your feet

Your feet are the foundation of your body, they help keep you upright and keep you moving. Loss of mobility due to foot injuries and problems can affect your physical health in a number of ways. If your feet hurt, or you have difficulty moving or exercising, this can result in a sedentary lifestyle, weight gain, and difficulties with your posture and circulation. When our physical health is affected by poor foot health, our mental health can also be affected. Reduced exercise and mobility, increase pain and subsequent injuries can lead to stress, depression and an increased sense of isolation.…

Will I have back pain when I get older?

It is widely known that the older we get, the more we have body aches and pains. That is why many people associate old age with back pain. However, the good news is that ageing does not cause back pain. Rather, back pain comes from issues such as previous injuries and spinal infection. How to prevent back pain when you are older Your ideal time to prevent back pain in the future is when you are still young. Turning 70 is not a long time away. Here are easy steps you can take to protect your back today and later.…

Is your posture causing neck and back pain?

It can be alarming if you start to experience back pain or neck pain with no obvious cause. For many people, their posture can be the explanation for their neck or back pain. Here we explain some of the ways that poor posture can put a strain on your body and what you can do about it. What is posture? Put simply, posture is the way that you hold your body. Dynamic posture refers to how you hold yourself whilst you’re moving, static posture refers to how you hold yourself when you are still. If your posture is the cause…

4 common mistakes to avoid when dealing with chronic back pain

When back pain gets chronic, the pain can pressure you into counterproductive behaviour. Chronic backache comes in various degrees of discomfort. If you indulge in easing chronic back pain the wrong way, you will only worsen the situation and prolong both the pain and your back pain treatment. Here are 4 of the most prevalent mistakes people make when struggling with chronic back pain. 1. Skipping exercise If you completely cut out exercise whilst experiencing chronic back pain, your recovery journey will be harder and longer. Brief and gentle exercises help to maintain your strength and overall flexibility. You can…

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